Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Variable vs Fixed

For the cheapest mortgage, go variable?

Everyone knows that interest rates today are at historic lows and therefore people want to lock in that great rate for 5 years or longer however, according to David Larock, a Mortgage Broker and ex-banker “variable-rate mortgages have been cheaper than five-year fixed-rate mortgages 90 per cent of the time over the past 25 years.”

According to a recent article published on the Globe and Mail website… for the cheapest mortgage, go variable.  It suggests that although the financial and economic ups and downs of recent years has made people more open to the fixed-rate or ‘locked in’ rates for mortgages, having a variable rate mortgage will save you money.  How and why? Read the article (link below) that discusses why choosing a variable rate in today’s market is favoured by analysts over the more popular fixed rate. 

Call me today for your confidential mortgage checkup and to discuss options to determine the perfect mortgage for you!  Can you afford to wait?